Birth Control Options: Barrier and Natural Methods (Pashto)- Video 3

This video explores barrier types of birth control, natural methods of birth control and emergency contraceptives – Plan B in Pashto.
Birth Control Options: Barrier and Natural Methods (English)- Video 3

This video explores barrier types of birth control, natural methods of birth control and emergency contraceptives – “Plan B” in English.
Birth Control Options: Barrier and Natural Methods (Dari)- Video 3

This video explores barrier types of birth control, natural methods of birth control and emergency contraceptives – sometimes called “Plan B” in Dari.
Female Birth Control Part I [Pashto]

Dr. Atefa Hakimi provides in depth information about menstrual cycles and natural family planning.
Female Birth Control Part II [Arabic]

Dr. Dalia Al Haidary provides in depth information about modern contraception including non-hormonal and hormonal methods.
Female Birth Control Part I [Arabic]

Ola Alani provides in depth information about menstrual cycles and natural family planning. This is part 1 of the two-part series.
Female Birth Control Part I [English]

Dr. Jasmine Patel, MD MSc, Assistant Clinical Professor, provides an introduction to menstrual cycle and natural family planning.
Contraception Choices in Australia (Dari)

This handout discusses different types of contraception.
Contraceptives Saves Lives (Arabic)

This fact sheet discusses how family planning and contraceptives can reduce mortality and improve wellbeing of mothers and newborns.
Vasectomy (Arabic)

This article explains about a what a vasectomy is and how it works with further resource information.